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Are you or have you been insured with Les Assurances A. E. Fournier Inc.?

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Toll free: 1-888-988-3429

Our team

The A. E. Fournier team of experienced damage insurance brokers is passionate about the needs of its customers and is always available to respond to your questions or to provide personalized services. With the A. E. Fournier Inc. team, you’re sure to have all your needs covered.

Michel Fournier Michel Fournier

President, corporate insurance adviser / damage insurance broker

Diane Roussel Diane Roussel

Damage insurance broker

Normand Lyons Normand Lyons

Damage insurance broker

Chloé Fournier Chloé Fournier

Personal lines damage insurance broker

Flavie Fournier Flavie Fournier

Personal lines damage insurance broker

Carole Quesnel Carole Quesnel

Personal lines damage insurance broker

Céline Marchand

Personal lines damage insurance broker


A great story

A. E. Fournier Inc. is a family-owned business founded by A. F. Bouladier, the first certified insurance broker in Buckingham (present-day Gatineau).

A. E. Fournier joined the insurance industry in 1928, operating on Sherbrooke Street (Buckingham). He would later move to McLaren Street and in 1939, he purchased 534 Buckingham in Gatineau, Quebec. Antoine Fournier joined the industry in May 1964 after a four-year stint in the Canadian Army.

He served as an insurance apprentice under his uncle A. F. Bouladier and became a member of the Courtiers d'assurances de la province de Québec (now the Autorité des marchés financiers) in 1950.

The firm was incorporated in 1952 under the name of A. F. Bouladier Cie ltée with A. E. Fournier as a shareholder. In March 1971, A. F. Bouladier Cie ltée changed ownership to A. E. Fournier and became known as A. E. Fournier Inc. The firm still goes by this name.

Marc A. Fournier retired after 39 years service with the firm. Michel A. Fournier is the current president, and works alongside his daughters Chloé and Flavie Fournier. The management has provided customized service for four generations and will continue to do so in the years ahead.

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Contact information

A.E.Fournier inc.
101 rue Joseph Gatineau, QC
Gatineau (QC) J8L 1E8

Phone: 819-986-3429
Fax: 819-986-2341
Toll free: 1-888-988-3429


Opening hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:30am to 12pm and 1pm to 4:30pm
Friday: 8:30am to 12pm
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

intergroupe AE Fournier inc. :
Intergroupe Courtier Unis